Brownell Talbot: Where Education Meets Exploration


Welcome to Brownell Talbot (BT), a place where students discover their unique talents, challenge themselves, and prepare to make a positive impact on the world.

At BT, we believe in:

Knowing Every Student: We take the time to understand each child's individual strengths, needs, and aspirations.

Inspiring Curious Minds: Our engaging curriculum fosters a love of learning and encourages students to explore their passions.

Challenging to Achieve: We set high expectations and provide the support to help students reach their full potential.

BT offers a vibrant and diverse community that extends far beyond the classroom. Here, students can:

Find a Home: Develop strong friendships and feel supported in a safe and nurturing environment.

Take Risks and Explore: Embrace new challenges and discover hidden talents through a variety of activities and programs.

Become Leaders: Develop the skills and confidence to make a difference in their communities.

A Collaborative Partnership: We believe education is a team effort. Our dedicated faculty, staff, and families work together to create the best possible learning experience for every student.

In the words of our Head of School, Dr. Kristi N. Gibbs:

"There are no limits to the personal successes your child can achieve here. Please reach out to us to learn more about how we can work together to support your child's journey."

Schedule a tour, explore our programs, and see why BT could be the perfect fit for your child today at


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